My open source journey

Open source offers unmatched flexibility and freedom

I had as a main objective when I started my Coding Experience (CE) to get to grips with C or C++ since I am convinced that understanding any of these languages will help me become a better programmer.… read more

My open source journey

A good next step

I completed an Outreachy internship with GNOME some months ago. I shared my experiences in a previous post. You can always go back and read. The months that followed have been full of activity.… read more

My open source journey

Wrap up blog post: From good to great

I can’t believe three months went by so fast. It’s the last week of my Outreachy GNOME internship, and I am very pleased. The experience was amazing and I’ll love to summarize all that I felt and learned in the paragraphs that follow.… read more

My open source journey

Seeking for career opportunities in the field of technology

I landed my first tech job one summer, when I had just turned 13. I was in charge of a small printing press. Not only that, but I did type, printing, scanning and photocopying of documents. I was motivated because where I grew up, it was uncommon to see 13-year-olds gainfully employed.… read more

My open source journey

My Journey to GJS’ back-trace full option: Challenging but rewarding.

This is my third blog since the start of this internship, and I am getting pretty good at this 🙂 When Philip (my mentor) and I developed a project timeline for my final application, we underestimated some of the issues.… read more

My open source journey

Contribute to open source through GNOME and GNOME JavaScript.

It’s a new year, and I’ve been thinking of how much of an impact contributing to open source (and GJS) has had on me. Getting started contributing to an open source project can be overwhelming.… read more

My open source journey

Everybody Struggles: Experience doesn’t make it end

A week into the internship, I felt like giving up. In an attempt to regain my motivation I reached out to my mentor Philip Chimento, to find out about his experience. Surprisingly, he faced challenges too.… read more